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Money Troubles?

Can't Pay The Mortgage?

If you are in financial difficulty, perhaps the bank is even talking about repossession, and let's be honest, they can be less than helpful... what are you to do?

- If you can’t reduce the price enough to sell, you’re stuck.
- If you can’t find a solution quickly, you’re stuck.
- If you can’t pay off your arrears, you’re stuck.

Now it's time to... STOP WORRYING!  There are options still available to you.  Even if you are in negative equity and therefore cannot sell, with property in the SE London/Bromley and Maidstone areas, WE CAN STILL HELP YOU.

We have helped many people in this kind of situation, and we may be able to help you too!  Don't leave it any longer.  You can't ignore the problem and hope it will go away.  Give us a call and ACT NOW!


Solutions ...

There are options available to you.  The most common solution that the vast majority of our clients opt for is to allow us to manage the property for you.

We pay your mortgage for you, perhaps with a little cash in your pocket depending on circumstances.  We then let the property to working professionals.  In the meantime, your property is safe from repossession by the bank and you have one less large bill to worry about, giving you time to get back on your feet.

At the end of the lease term, perhaps you are in a position to sell at a profit as the market may have moved in your favour.  Perhaps your own personal financial circumstances will have improved and you no longer need our services.  There are happy endings to be found, and all because you took ACTION and picked up the phone.


... and Options

Another popular choice if you really do just want to SELL but can't whilst in negative equity... we can agree terms to possibly buy your property from you at a future date, perhaps even for more than you paid and can sell for now.  The price will be agreed at the outset giving you the clarity you need.

This is an attractive option with several WIN-WIN factors for you.  We can rent your property for you as detailed in the previous section, agree a future purchase price, and in the meantime, your mortgage debt is covered by the rent. Additionally, Council Tax, bills and maintenance are something you no longer have to worry about.  Along with those intimidating letters from the bank!

At the end of the lease term, you could very well have a sale on your hands at an already agreed price, with no hunting for a buyer required and no waiting on your buyer to conduct conveyancing or solicitors searches etc. If this sounds good, don't delay, ACT NOW!

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